I'm seriously considering giving up my birds.
The flags are all the people that died on Mount Everest.
I am sending my bird out to stop people naming their conures kiwi and he is locked and loaded
Nobody wants to work anymore
Lived a nightmare this morning
New UnitedHealth CEO finally addresses outrage
Does anyone’s conures mimic words well at all?
FUCK. What happens next?
My baby just passed away
Realistically, what should we buy or try to stock up on before January?
New crafter
Halloween Cards Made Today
Sentiment Feedback?
People offering cures
New Drug Theory
Tired of picking myself up over and over again
Still here, bitch-ass cancer
We are a self selecting group.
Schrödinger's cancer
My 4yo just asked me if I’m gonna die soon.
On being your own advocate
I guess I'm in the club now
Just got shitty news