They should make it so you can have both SUB and DUB at the same time.
My poor, poor upgrade path…
Why does my game look like this (img1) in Studio and like this (img2) in the Roblox Player? (Both graphics are on max)
Oh god... the horde... whatever... IM DRAWING A COUPLE OF YA'LLS AVATARS IN THE REGRETAVATOR ELEVATOR! (including mine because yes)
Where would you
Does anyone know where i can find the highest quality version of this gif (or image) of an edited part of the first episode? [best i've found so far is 500x270]
Brave shiels stopped blocking ads??
Who came up with this slogan
“ Wanna delete your bootloader?, Sure, go ahead, it’s your PC “
me watching my graphics card slowly go from being the best component in my PC to the worst
I just remade one of my game locations, what do you think?
Can someone who actually knows what they're doing (unlike me) tell me why this script works in a funky way? (its supposed to work like the first time in the video but its not consistent) also yes the video is split into 2 gifs.
Timer on this popup just starting counting negative numbers instead of dissapearing.
What do you choose?
Goon check show me ur last photo!
For those still in doubt.
Resemblance: Uncanny
Who is letting 7 year olds make YouTube music playlists
Oh shit
guys can someone gift me sex with hitler 2?!??!!?
Wrong answers only
fuck xavier and fuck this meme too
Just pick something!!!!!
Oh my god, that is sooooooo sigma.