Lulu stop this I’m begging you
where the girls rank in instagram followers
If you had your ex in front of you, what would you tell them?
Not Mik doing regular house chores and calling it a hyperfixation 🙄
Kylie’s feeling nostalgic again
How to find spirituality in dark times?
Classic, timeless marketing (NSFW)
Bring it on
It's been 5 years of LIB. Which season was the most entertaining?
Has Euphoria made a cultural impact? Do you think it’s something that will be remembered? Like iconic shows like Friends, The Sopranos, Buffy The Vampire Slayer or Skins ?
@mbpuricelli - her take on time after switching from full time content creator to 9-5 office job
3 months post breakup as the dumper
Good morning world!
Euphoria S3 rumours
She’s linking hair ties now??? Taylor, aren’t you rich enough ? You don’t have to do this
The only reason I'm still alive is my dogs.
Giving up
“Influencers” thinking the gym is work
Is it worth doing 15 years or ending ur life?
Farrah’s thoughts on the new administration
John Romaniello Story following one about his dog wanting attention. Then his next story is one implying his victims all had BPD. 🤢 Fucking Douche Canoe
Ally is the hardest working person in America
How on earth are people able to get a lap with nothing showing on MRI or Ultrasound?