What is the opposite of emotional control and maturity in a woman in a relationship?
What is the rarest thing you own?
What do you hate the most?
It is what it is 3.9
If your life was a book, what would the title of the current chapter be?
What do you think is important to have physically/ mentally before you start dating?
What do you do when you're stuck in a mental health rut?
What's The Latest Thing You Took On A Deep Dive?
What is the most deranged behavior you've ever seen from an obsessed person?
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned! Do you agree? What do you think?
What would you do if you were in love with your partner but realized you are not sexually compatible?
Canadians of Reddit; if Canada became a province of the US, but kept most of it's Canadian identity and benefited from American trade and zero tariffs, how would that make you feel?
People who got out of depression, what helped?
What do you think qualifies as abusive parenting? What kind of behaviors do you consider to be abusive?
What's your biggest fear about love/relationships?
Realistically, how do you start academic comback after having the biggest academic burn out?
Will a cheater always be a cheater? How can they stop?
Has Reddit had an overall positive or negative impact in your life and why?
What is your dream job ?
What do you miss?
What’s your biggest roommate pet peeve?
What is the best "bonus" in non-monetary ways have you received at your job?
What is your most painful thing in visiting museums(art or history)?
What do you think will change here if everyone had a picture of themselves as their profile picture?
What is your reasoning for why autistic people struggle to find long lasting romantic partners?