Ran my first session last night!
The edition to top all editions… 🫡
Back when DnD was super-cool…
The Library
My collection
Has anyone ever used the Elder Evils in their campaign? How did it go?
Racial Ability Scores
Time Moves 3x Slower in the Barovia than in the Material Plane
Heroforge NPCs (Part 1 Barovia Village)
A healing cantrip for 5e
Carnival Games for the Festival of the Burning Sun
The Bard & The Artificer…
A Wallpaper I Made Of Our D&D Party [Art]
GOO Warlock (pact of the Tome) using CharGen
A few members from the Curse of Strahd…
Training Day moment
Is there an XP calculator on line.
Memory recall rolls…
Help me finding this map! Does anyone have the source or a high quality version of this map of Pazunia?
Where to find Grand Conjunction battle map?
Thoughts on Feast of Goblyns
I know Vistani can travel to different Domains of Dread, but what about other planes altogether?
The Sunsword is completed.
Peoples thoughts / procedures regarding multi-classing