Who would you cast me as in a Disco Elysium film? (Wrong answers only)
Cast me in the MCU
Who would you cast Anton Yelchin as in the MCU and the Barbie Movie if he is still alive today?
10 years ago, Legion premiered. How did you like it?
If you were a member of the justice league which member would you get along with the most?
Need specific type of comic recommendations
I wanna join the band wagon and see who you guys would fan cast me as :D
If each Skill had its own voice actor, who would you cast? (day 8: Inland Empire)
I guess I'll jump on the bandwagon, who would y'all cast me as?
Which actor is this?
Who would you cast me as in the MCU?
What was the gateway game that got you into RPG games?
Stop suggesting Miles Teller should play maker.
Obligatory “Who Would You Cast Me As” Post 😂 Marvel or DC
I'll probably regret jumping on this bandwagon, but cast me in the DCU or MCU
After the Fantastic Four is set in the 60s what other heroes/teams should have a movie set in the past ?
Who would you cast me in The MCU as?
Who would you cast me as in the MCU/DCU?
Who would you cast me for the mcu? (Sorry for the bad selfie, i am bad at taking pictures)
Which one do you prefer?
Pull up to the grove brethren
Here are my three choices for batman : bill skasgard, Tom Brittney, Colin woodell , what are your thoughts?
Zac Efron could be a good Wolverine. He's 5'8", jacked, and a really good actor.
The AlbaSue slander will not be tolerated, folks.
I present to you scrambled pepper eggs topped with ketchup