If a tie happened in Best Picture, in which years do you think it'd have happened? And would you even like to see something like that?
LEGO Pokémon has been officially announced! Coming in 2026
WIDM Elimination Game - Ronde 9 - CHECK COMMENTS OM TE STEMMEN!
Pixar is still important
This is never coming out, is it?
Enough about Oscar snubs--what are some performances that were snubbed at the RAZZIES?
Critics finally reveal what they think of Snow White as first reviews of Disney's woke remake are released
Best Voice Actor Category
MOC or Set?
Do Mickey Mouse & Friends, Looney Tunes and Woody Woodpecker still work?
Why The Wild Robot was the best animation (from my perspective)
Pooh goals 🍯
All animated feature films to have won an oscar in any category. It's quite depressing in my opinion
Did you watch Ernest & Celestine?
What is a video game character on this list that you would want in Smash 6?
Yup… WB is throwing this one under the bus
Is Disneyland better than Disney World?
Memes I made to keep me up at night (Part 1)
Current top 12
Which of these winners for Best Cinematography in the 2010s would you say deserved its win the most?
Sub feedback thread
My All time Top 100 Films
Are there any hints for a season 2 of Win or Lose?
Seth Kearsley ranking when?