One of my favs
Dizzy spinventure
Dizzy SpinVenture
Paying out the swag bucks
Dizzy Spinventure - Game Offer Guide
wtf 🤬 this doesn’t show
Thanks Swagbucks!
The orange USB-C AirPods Max aren’t really orange….
This song made my morning
I’m finally free😩
Where can I find this again ??
what flavour would you go home with?
Y'all play "Arizona Great Buy! 99 The Game?"
Got a lucky pull at a drive through- 5 Fig Apples
who here listens to Joeyy
Help! Verifying a pair
Can’t sleep with people snoring
"You are more book smart, but I am more street smart"
People who have their phone volume all the way up right next to you
Love the artwork under bridges
Is a sugar free version of this redbull I can't find it anywhere
Dude said he just got these in
New video from Today. It’s about to storm yet she’s in a tank top. Her makeup is done . How is it that her stuff always gets “ wet” but never the makeup she uses ?! Hmm interesting.
My early bday present
Hello Everyone ! I made a facebook page dedicated to Alyssa as well if anyone would like to follow , tag comment! Thank you