I just find it annoying ://
Someone for the love of god help me stun the killer four times in one trial before I cry. again.
How many hours?
How do you build F!Byleth?
Who do you guys main as survivor?
What was your reason/s for starting to main your current/past main/mains?
In your experience, which killer is the most consistently nice?
What are your main killer’s 3 Golden Rules?
If you could only choose one DBD Chapter to get a horror movie, what would you choose?
Why did you choose the house you choose on your first playthrough? Bonus Points: What reason did you have for any further route choices? (Probably a far from original post)
Youtube Comments Negativity
Are there people who actually use maps and keys?
In your opinion, what's the worst map?
Why did you pick your mains?
What Three Houses voicelines can also be said in bed?
Which House Did You Choose?
Just finished my first playthrough, what next?
Finally all the 4 endings, but my god it took LONG, did I took too long?
Tell me what your favourite TWD episode is (main show) and I’ll let you know if you’re aloud in the club or not.
if you were in ricks shoes what are some of the things you would have done different ?
The UK section of my grocery store in Austin, Texas. How’d they do?
Fire Emblem Three Houses Out of Context
What are Merecedes' optimal classes vs. What do you like to build her as?
out of these characters which one would you trust with your life ? 😂
Do you guys have any favorite trio in each houses? Also, what do you call those trios if you can name them?