Would you rather jonkle or swipe?
Guys, I have a theory
Just can't
What was your first reaction when you saw this?
Put these 6 in a room, who throws the first punch?
Think Chopper think
What anime opening is this?
Imagine Broly (Z) entering a room and he sees these 4, what's going to happen next?
Between Shiki and Fujitora who has the more powerful gravity power?
You're going on a road trip for 12 hours Which car do you pick to join?
Who are they torturing?
With characters like The Sentry and Galactus entering the MCU, the door is wide open for even more powerful heroes and villains. Who are some characters you think could make the leap now, and who would you love to see in the future
Should Mr. Mxyzptlk be in the DCU?
Fuck power scaling, what is the most wholesome anime community you've ever seen
What table are you sitting at?
[Comic Excerpt] The Thought Robot looking at Limbo (Final Crisis: Superman Beyond #2)
Who is considered the 2nd most powerful in Marvel?
Is Deadpool considered a mutant or a mutate?
Who's this guy?
Free for all, who wins?
If Sentry wasn't available during World War Hulk. Who would have the highest chance of winning
Suggestions ?