What did y’all think of Super Bowl halftime show; Kendrick Lamar’s performance?
Rate my Workout Routine
Have the roads been salted yet?
Air Force Paths for Tution
PI was brutally honest. I don’t know if I have a future in research or medicine.
What GPA did you all have in undergrad to get into Medical School?
Pathways for Dental School
Laughing so hard at this
Air Force Pathways for Dental School
Air Force Paths for Tuition Assistance
AFR/ANG For Dental School
All Questions About Joining, Transferring and ANG Jobs go here.
What’s the best DO school in the northeast?
Hypothetical: get into medical school but you’ll have to gain 100 pounds, do you take the deal? (If so, why?)
AIO I Am So Confused
“Lower” MCAT Score Goal
Favorite songs for long distance
is this normal?
AIO over blocking my friends after them telling my boyfriend I tried to kms?
Should I mention my partner at an interview?
Acceptance stories!
How do you know if medicine is for you?
it's leviOsa, not levioSA
How do you cope after you drop them off at the airport?
AIO to bf ghosting me on our anniversary?