Yes dude. It even is ape raw per taunt..
Way to cLock it..
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
"Let me jsut say it(")ya"whatt("indeed")a mothe rfucking oun"i
Ha, it's off fore you..
"Ur right, that was a(ndroid) 21 easter egg"
''they of all wanna reply that''
''WeLL!!!! Î of aLL took ace pray for it''
''Now Look, nobody cheated on you.. ever.''
How can i bypass this?
Using my ingenious methods, I’ve watched the direct early. AMA
I LOVE CELESTE!!!!! I can't wait to put Celeste on all of these 😁😁😁😁
Tesla drivers: why don’t you pay attention to the road or use your turn signal?
Lé ît dumb you sick tAche cunt troll
Yeqh ddue, obivlys sucker.. trust be commented...
I feel like my driving is getting worse & I don't know why
"Deep down"fuck.. it got harder to do for odd for it"
"🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣("yeah [that's the thing I'm laughing about... right albert?!!?"] It's only kn(picture thoguth"
"Heed ah went to(o) far though
"Fuck that title
"Ah heall"yep"itd be, 'it jsut want in your heart this time aroudn"it be a percent troll though"
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Just had to come here..