Masculine beauty is real and we're all capable of it.
The casual transphobia online is really starting to get on my nerves
Mfs just left her there and never came back. That's messed up man.
Trans people existing is not political.
Most sane anime.
Why is Gen Z so dumb in your opinion?
Now I want to try this!
It’s about time maybe we can see at least one diff post now
This can't be accurate, right? I'm only 20 now, but when I was 13, the only thing I was "addicted" to was RPG Maker.
How many of them were elected? 🤔
I used tape for my eyeliner for the first time today. I'm so mad
Remember the 90s pacifier fad? That was weird right?
Should we give teacher’s guns?
It hurts so much 😢
Seriously though. ಠ_ಠ
Do you think that Gen Z is destined to stay on the right, or will there be a shift?
How do I correct strangers?
Changing words instead of fixing social issues
The amount of eggs that got thrown out from our grocery store.
When did you guys stop watching the Disney Channel?
My canned curry sauce exploded in my face
Truly asking - how do we find middle ground?
what's the most times you ever gooned in one day?