How correct is this?
i got a ride home from a coworker today.
I stepped on a goathead that looks like a goat head
Tom & Jerry? Rick & Morty? I need the best name combination for this 2 Cuties
What's your big three? What would you say?
I need help adding love songs to my playlist!
Who do I look like??? I’ve been told Taylor swift but I refuse to believe it
First real date ever? Help!
What’s your crushes biggest red flag that you choose to ignore
Anyone else see the weird lights in the mountains last night?
Strange lights seen in the mountains from a far distance.
Felix just having fun with AI(short stream earlier)
Which sign(s) do you think best suits these personalities?
Gemini and who else?
girls, comment something about your crush and guys give advice
describe what your crush looks like?
[32F] Do I have one?
what's your moon sign and who are you attracted to?
Which sign is this?
Gimme your big 3 and I’ll roast you to oblivion
Is it possible to dream with someone??
Can insects hear themselves?
For people who learned English later in life, what are some things Americans would say that were especially hard to understand?
Is talking to yourself not normal??
Tell me y'alls experience with scorpios