What’s a piece of advice you’d give men?
What is required for a man to have a threesome with two women? How does someone have it happen in their life?
What is your sexual secret?
Just to keep it fair-What’s a piece of advice you’d give women?
These lips suck more than a Monday 💋
If you had to take a shot for every unread text message you have, how drunk would you be?
Frisky Friday 💋
What is a kink that you don’t have but would be willing to give a go if your partner asked you?
hi again 🥀
What should you do if you come across a bearded man’s face?
Women of ARAD, are you actually satisfied if your partner finishes you with oral/hands if you can't finish from penetration?
Good girls know when to stop
Making a mess feels so good
Your partner cheated on you... leave the relationship, forgive or... start cheating too?
How long are missionary rounds for you and how many rounds do you go (all ages but mainly 18-early 20’s)? Straight Pounding and mention breaks if there are any.
What’s the craziest sexual experience you’ve had with someone from another country?
Tips on how to make photos of your body look good?
What’s something sexual that you either a) thought you’d like, tried it, but didn’t enjoy, or b) didn’t think you’d like, tried it, and actually did enjoy?
What would you bring to a party?
Android vs iPhone and is it worth losing a first date over the petty argument.
Has anyone here found a relationship on a dating app since 2020?
Have you taken a nude picture of yourself that you're still proud of?
Are “skinny fat” wives still attractive?
Tensing before I get there
Has anyone in a relationship set up a threesome without their partner knowing