Is it better for insecure and jealous people to remain single?
Men, Has your promiscuous past made it difficult for you to stay loyal in a committed relationship?
Do straight women get aroused watching good looking men in real life/actors on screen?
Help me understand: People of reddit who don't eat vegetables. What do you eat then?
How long can someone eat only one nutritious meal every 72 hours and still remain healthy?
Can a person be still perfectly healthy eating only once every third day?
Can someone please reassure me I still get all the nutrients by swallowing food instead of chewing it?
Is eating healthy but consuming over 2l of Coke Zero per day still better than SAD?
Is it just me or is cold meat more filling?
Is black an elegant colour?
Diamond or perl stud earrings, which are more versatile?
Men, would you date a woman who eats nothing but meat?
Brushing teeth, gum, drinking water, sugarfree mints.. what are some other (carb free) ways to have fresh mouth?
Would you ever date someone who only lets you touch, kiss, make love just 4 hours per day?
How long can I keep hard boiled eggs in the fridge?
Do they sell Airwaves chewing gum in your country?
Is it pointless to dry fast 20 hours every single day?
Today was the first time I sprayed some perfume on my hair and my hair still smells amazing. Can I do this more often without hurting my hair?
Can someone please reassure me I can still be healthy while drinking tap water sometimes?
Can someone please reassure me I am not breaking my intermittent fast by having acid reflux?
A question for everyone who is reading this. Would you be able to go 1 month eating just meat?
Can black opaque tights be sexy as well?
Can someone please reassure me that drinking water and brushing teeth is still clean fasting?
Men, bare legs or legs in pantyhose, what do you prefer to see on women?
Men, would you date a woman, who wants you to wear a button up shirts most of the time?