How to clear this?
I HATE when people say to me "just let it go" and I'm like OH WOW, I'M HEALED thanks to your advice!
What are some tasks or things your Nparents made you afraid of?
What comes to your mind when a man refers to himself as an “Alpha Male”?
"But that sexual joke is harming our cultures saar"
What to do to get over the fact that I (27f) will never have a relationshio with my sister (30f)? Am I the bad one?
What is your opinion on straight cis male photographers who mostly photograph women nude?
Those who rarely fall sick, what’s the secret?
Does anyone have anger issues or feel they are very quick to anger?
Que nombre le pongo? Que sea un nombre de villana
Still a work in progress…
What was your first feminist thought that you can recall?
Help me make my book nook more book-nooky
Did you relate to characters that made you realize how narcissistic your parents were?
Tiny bathroom glow up - before & after
I(31m) live with my (37f) girlfriend and she’s becoming increasingly abusive and resentful but I’m not self sufficient. Should I leave her and how?
has your narcissistic parent made you wonder if you were actually the problem?
Do your nparents underestimate your healing journey and your therapist?
is there any hope for a better life?
La mujeres objetivizan a los hombres entre ellas, y nadie pierde la cabeza
A no ser que ya tengas dinero para comprarte tu casa o un departamente, salirte de casa de tus papás siendo muy joven es una estupidez financiera muy grande que te tomara años solucionar.
If you could give your 10-year-old self one piece of advice, what would it be?
Les molesta o parece feo las estrías en mujeres?
Donald Trump confirma que va a haber tarifas de 25% a TODOS los productos de México (y Canada) a partir del 20 de Enero.
Why 99% of men are so disgusting?