what might cause these perfectly round mold spots on my bread?
Živcira li vas prekomjerno korištenje engleskog?
Did a dumb thing because I was getting burned out
I really don’t like my roommate ( unknown food )
Is this Mold?
Josip Dabro podnio neopozivu ostavku
What is this pink thing ?
Trans woman are woman ❤️
Jel se i vama čini da Joško Lokas voli snijeg pod nos?
This should give us 1 greater jewellers orb since upon reaching endgame, lessers dont have much use anymore
It is absurd that 'Logout macro' has now graduated to be the optimal way to play in Softcore
As a dad I beg you, please, do not remove the pause feature.
Any Tips for Watcher
Kako to da nikoga ne zanima najveće otkriće u povijesti čovječanstva? (UAP-ovi)
Violence in fantasy
Is this good for barb?
Most relics I have had
Do you take this?
I was farming an ohm rune for God knows how long. This hurts.
What curse to choose?
Help with hexia.