How do you know when to fight for love or to simply let go?
2 weeks of NC
Dating is so stupid
anybody else ever see a post and hope it’s your ex talking about missing you
Must I delete all "our" photos after break up?
I miss him so much I’m in Physical Pain
Everyone Needs at Least One Relationship Without Closure
Trying to forgive myself for sending this in December- and getting blocked.
What do you miss the most about them?
Did you forgive your ex?
If you were genuinely a good person and got dumped, DO NOT contact the person who dumped you. If they really cared, they would reach out the next day to apologize.
What was the worst part of tge break up for you?
To you
They lied
When is too soon to date again?
My View
Am I the only one who thinks it’s horrible that when two people break up , that it’s the last time you will ever speak or see again , after spending every day with them for 3 years ?
I’m sorry baby
I can’t stop thinking about my ex being with someone else
Read between the lines, folks.
Shoutout all us who got dumped weeks before valentine’s