In 1940, America and the Soviet Union received 30 Boeing 737 aircraft each. Who will succeed in commercial aviation?
The entire Los Angeles police force is pitted against six killers from the game DEAD BY DAYLIGHT. Who will win?
Skynet and the lycan underworld are at war with the X-Men and the Jedi. Meanwhile, the zombies from The Walking Dead are spreading. Will humanity survive?
In 1938, Japan received the Ruger Mini-14 rifle and the T-72 tank. China received the AKM rifle. Who will win in this battle?
Most of the countries in the world have disappeared, leaving only Poland, Belgium, North Korea, Guatemala, South Africa, and Thailand. Which country will be able to lead humanity to further development?
You will face off against 35,000 soldiers with tanks and warplanes. What equipment or military units will you choose to fight with?
Is Asian carp still a problem for Americans and how much do they use it in their cooking?
What are some easy recipes that African American families make for breakfast and dinner?
India has entered the warhammer40k universe, who will they defeat?
Countries in 1700 received 35000 Gewehr 98 rifles. Which country will be able to conquer the world?
Can buddha help me
Project Alice from the RESIDENT EVIL Wiki film series has entered the warhammer40k universe. How long will she last?
China got Tyranid Ravener from space marine 2. USA got Tyrant from Resident Evil: Damnation 2012. Who would win in a fight?
Over 180,000 Chinese, Iranian, Indonesian, French combined forces disarm and maintain peace in Israel and Palestine. How successful will they be?
North and South America were transformed into Asia and Europe in 1900. Who will control the most land?
2025 China vs USA (2008)
Boxer, Olympic volleyball team, US senator, German sailor - who would best lead a group of 1000 people to build a civilization?
The land in Middle-earth has become Asia and Africa. How will the story unfold?
Composite animal kingdom vs. United States military
Does germany last longer if it spams panzer 4s?
Israel has become an island nation in Southeast Asia. Will they survive?
Ghost Rider ( Nicolas Cage ) is transported into the Insidious universe, what will he be like?
Could George Washington have led thousands of Swedes, Italians, Welsh, Scottish, Germans, Somalis, Afghans, Burmese and Cambodians to establish the United States in 1700?
The population of the United States and Canada has the largest share of Swedish, Italian, Welsh, Scottish, German, Somali, Afghan, Burmese, and Cambodian ancestry in 1800. Could they have become the superpowers they are today?
How many guns can Americans own, according to state laws?