To make a phone call
Hot Take: The Final 4 episodes of Breaking Bad’s Season 4 are the best 4 episode stretch in all of television
Man upset at no head covering.
TNT vs Nuclear Bomb Comparison
Ok this is the moment I stop rooting for Walt. Selling drugs is one thing ,but making shitty Ohio meme videos on YouTube? Now that's way too fucking far.
Jumping Toy
Elderly Arab Terribly Abused by Nurse. Racist Comments Even Worse
Howard’s death but ps1
Human-Powered Ferris Wheel
When the offense is overwhelming
Serious talk.
An awesome game!
Maybe maybe maybe
But. . . How?
A Palestinian emerges with a gun under an Israeli firing position on the border of the Gaza Strip today and shoots into it
Hope they crashed.
Woman angry at manager so she decided to throw coffe at the security guard
Woman gives 9,000 people the wrong dose purposefully...
What could go wrong with gates around the corner of a street.
At least one of each