When your ready to prop leaves don't want to wait for you anymore
Spring clean time!
Already posted this on r/plants but hought id also show you guys.Behinde my grandmas house there are 100s of theese(heard they are called hens and chiks
Succulent props
Haworthia against all odds
Another one of my beautiful Echeveria Raindrops 💧🪴
My crazy bloomer
Help with my Gasteria
Anyone familiar with what cooperi cultivar this is?
Chonky leaves
How To Propagate an Echeveria "Lola"
What is this species?
Best place to get echeverias
Help please! I don't want it to end!
Finally starting to grow
What’s the most “Velcro dog” breed you’ve known?
Transitioning from terra cotta to square plastic pots
Soil saturated
What is this and why do I want it?
My air plants
Need help ID this baby
Found these at the store, can I prop them?
What species are these?
my haw is starting to bloom!!!!!