What Should We Call Baby Austros?
A tale as old as time…
Fishing Minigames/Mechanics Alignment Chart #1, What game's fishing minigame/mechanic looks enjoyable and is enjoyable?
Rank those 4 from least to most evil and explain your choices
My take so far
The hypsi nest tower finally happened!
Best Dino to play in duo with a friend?
What should i put in the 3 by 3 space?
Idea: Red Scissor Blade and Purple Scissor Blade
funny shaped bee-hive I found
It does this everytime I tried opening the game today, any idea how to fix?
What do you see?
Do it
How can I make it so that a comparator only turns on when a specific power signal is passed into it?
Would You Kill a Hypsi? An Ecological Question.
Those damn mix packers are everywhere
Me with all the Deinosuchus juvies when Baryonyx releases
Allo is coming to the main branch along with maia when horde test is over
Where can I buy fresh/frozen turkey (the bird) meat?
Dryo Leaps
As a foreigner
If you're a racist Arabist, Saddam fanboy, Erdogan puppet, or radical Islamist, you won’t make it through a Samir Matini video without barking <( ̄︶ ̄)>
What do you name your world(s)?
Active in OCE?
Anyone know where I can make custom flags?