Anyone want to draw my cat who may or may not be trying to kill me?
Looking for a good Bible app
Not Sure What to Think of This
Help buying a bible
Why did god gave conflicting laws in OT and NT?
My black pen drawing
The Man Who Sued a Mountain
I've Finally Decided to Make a True Confession.
In what instances would swearing on God's name be considered "using the Lord's name in vain"?
does Galatians 1:19 disprove Mary's perpetual virginity?
pro-lgbtq and catholic?
What was wrong with what Satan requested of Jesus in the desert?
New believer - recommendations?
As a highschool student, (year 10) why is Catholicism your denomination?
Gave up music for lent, any recommendations
Jesus temptation by devil.
All Christians should be Abolitionist of Abortion
Is this okay or no?
Advice please :)
Catholic Bible Suggestion for Wedding Gift
Overwhelmed by the weight of becoming Catholic
Pretty Average Handwriting?
What’s your lowest level for beating Cynthia?
Coming from a Protestant background, feeling perturbed
What version of the Bible is best for gaining a solid (Catholic) understanding of the Bible?