Do you ever use your attorney status while dealing with people in the hopes that they are more compliant/ proper in your interactions?
How many interviews should I schedule at once?
Should I just give up?
Said probably the dumbest shit I’ve ever said in front of my entire section
Please Passers Stop Telling People You Made Up Rules and Passed
Just bought civ 7! Map is looking good so far!
Why do my yields drop dramatically?
Civ 7 Map Generation Looks Fine to Me
New attorney seeking career advice.
Government employee, student loans.
Is this legal?
I just found out I’m pregnant and have an open DSS case with my first child.
Got no offered today, thoughts?
What might cause this artifact?
Well done NCBE for messing with us
Understanding Indiana Score
I felt like I failed and got a 311
I'm going to start studying for february.
Enough Doom & Gloom: What Excites You About Your Future Career?
Nextgen Prototype
You should probably be mad at your commercial prep companies, not the NCBE
Truly A Test of Minimum Competency
Day 1 of Adderall Detox
What the fuck just happened.
The things Themis said to not worry about because they are never tested was exactly what was tested.