Give him a Superhero name😂
My old roommate just purchased this $360 scooter on Amazon. How doomed is she.
How about instead of Hasan Piker
Mildly infuriating but also slightly adorable
I finally discovered, in the wild, someone as gay as I am.
how do i *actually* fix my posture? both standing/sitting
A time-traveling snout
My girlfriend gave me an ultimatum
How many women have messaged you first on Reddit?
Taco Bell
Why is almost every job going warehouse worker, cleaner, delivery driver ?
Patton Oswalt is deeply unfunny
Allergic reaction to certain buds
How do I adress the lack of sex/intimacy in a relationship? My girlfriend 24F and I 24M have been together now for almost a year now and our sex life has been declining over the past few months
should i cut my sister off?
I don't understand why cold approaches don't work anymore
Wife's drinking gradually getting worse.
Ants helping other ants cross a gap
I’m becoming a misandrist/femcel
What do I do?
Advice/Perspective/Opinion on baby situations.
My mom is way too involved in my relationship.
What do men secretly likes but won't say?
What is going on?
Possible discrimination at hospital