How does your space feel after banishing? And how does energy return to the space?

let me explain.

so, before we go into anything from what I've found that when it comes to what banishing is/is used for, much like most things in witchcraft, it's very opinionated. you'll get a different answer depending on who you ask (in my experience) so I'll outline how I personally view it.

banishing to me is the act of pushing unwanted energies out of your space, an object or in some cases your body. it's also more commonly used for pushing entities out of your space along with pushing unwanted people out of your life. depending on who you ask you'll probably get a different definition, but that's how I look at it anyway.

so, with that out of the way, on to the first question. it's pretty much just what it sounds like, how does your space or an object or even your body itself feel after you've practiced banishing? because you're pushing energy out of your space the energy is no longer there, so what does the now empty space feel like?

now for the second one. how does energy get back into your space after banishing? now, I know that if you banish you're supposed to put up protection to keep whatever you pushed out, out. and I know that you can put up a kind of filter, so to speak. something to let wanted energy in while trying to keep the unwanted out. however, you could put up a solid wall, so to speak, keeping all energy out. that is what I'm curious about. if you put up a solid wall of energy, how does energy get back into your space? and would that energy be unwanted?

that's about it. if anything doesn't make sense let me know in the replies and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.