Opinions on the perfect classes for each Dragonflight?

So here is what I've come up with let me know your thoughts... This is based only on what we have available in the game for playable classes.

Main flights:

• Red - Fire mage
• Bronze - Augvoker
• Green - Pres Evoker (for now)
• Blue - Frost / Arcane mage (i cant decide which one is better)
• Black - Destro warlock (with the shadowflame color fire aka default fire)

Etc flights/colours:

• Albino - Holy priest (Just suits them the best tbh, all the white spells and youre a white dragon)
• Chromatic (pink) - I went with devastation due to the reddish pink fire and rainbowy wing vibes with their spells, also the rainbowy bloodlust
• Twilight (purple) - I like shadow priest the best for this. But you can also do sub rogue or a warlock maybe.

Future options if more classes come out:

• Thorignir (Purple, blue, or green, Storm drakes from Stormheim) - Elemental shaman due to lightning powers, or get lots of lightning glyphs for a prot warrior.
• Green - Resto druid would fit best, and it would be amazing to choose a night elf form for them instead of being forced to be a half elf with weird scale heads.
• Infinite - Frost death knight would be so cool and edgy for this dragon type. The ice blue eyes, the evil vibes, I love it. Gimme it!

Honorable mention:

• Night Fury - Demon Hunter. It would just be fun to be an edgy black dragon with massive warglaives! The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself. Never engage this dragon. Your only chance: Hide and pray it does not find you. I dont care if it would fit into the lore. Just let me make one blizzard!!