The Mistlands' mist needs to look better or be toned down.
The mist only very rarely vanishes and lets you appreciate how beautiful the zone is, just to come back and and be met with a groan because it covers everything beyond ten feet in ugly particle effects that are clearly static .jpeg* images (notice how they rotate with you?) with transparent backgrounds.
I could get a zone that's difficult to navigate because your vision is limited, but it might as well be a fucking crime to cover such a nice-looking zone in these kind of shitty particle effects 99% of the time and call that 'difficult to navigate' when, let's be real, the minimap and the static wisp torches make it trivial.
Here's an alternative: replace the .jpeg* images with thick volumetric fog, remove the super obvious particle effects enemies produce when moving (especially the Seekers) and replace them with more subdued movement effects if you're concerned about enemy visibility. Static .jpegs* just aren't it.
* as someone pointed out, edge-transparency is a .png feature, so they're .pngs and not .jpegs. Sorry about that.