Really impressed with the Tempest; dog isn't

Not impressed

Managed to grab a Factory Seconds Wood since the regular are out of stock until mid next year only £175 and the blemish is a finger print mark on the wooden stem well worth the price reduction also the cooling unit is a revolve gen 2 but is near as identical to the tempest stem.

I'm Using the Inspire wand with the Mad Heaters adaptor to warm the Tempest

The Bowl Holds 0.15g when set to full

Gen 2 Cooling Unit, Wooden Stem & Tempest Head

The wooden stem cools enough while not getting too warm and seems better overall then the revolve gen 2 stem that was also in the deal. I included a diagram of my air set up as well as the schematics drawing for the others.

This is how I Cool my tempest all the other methods seem sub optimal

All Cooling Options

The main benefit over the Dynavap and Venty is the taste and just makes the flower seem like it goes further my Hydradyn is now on gumtree.

Down side daily stem and cooling unit cleaning I use 4g flower a day and it just clogs with reclaim, the upside is this takes 3-4 min and much easier then other devices.

I'm mainly using the dial on the top to home in temps and getting 3,4 heats and a massive vape on the second. Its so much cooler and tasty the all the other vapes iv used.

Thinking of getting a desktop Ball-vape now, but don't want all the gear laid about.