Joseph Gannascoli’s acting in season 6 and the ability to pull a decent quality performance out of a glorified extra is a testament to David Chase and Terrence Winter’s genius
If there’s one thing I learned in acting school (right after me and Danny Baldwin took Ben Kingsley there). Acting is two pronged-
1) being believable as YOURSELF in fake situations
2) being believable as your CHARACTER in fake situations
Any shnook can go on camera and pretend to be a mob tough guy. Act like they would act in these sit downs, envelope hand offs, one line moments.
But getting these guys, who let’s be honest aren’t trained actors and have no idea what it takes to be number one.
David Chase and Terrence Winter extracting not just good but FUCKIN GREAT performances out of these non actors is an art and they are picasso and goyim.
The main case study of this is Tony Sirico, and giving him instructions books and coloring sets and making the character of Paulie come to life with more depth than an old lady’s cunt.
I’ve said my peace.