American possibly migrating to Netherlands, some questions xpost from /r/IWantOut

Hi all, I am working on a job opportunity near Amsterdam (Hoofddorp) with a company that was just acquired by the company that I currently work for.

Some background info: I'd be coming over on a Highly Skilled Migrant visa 36 years old, married, 2 dogs Do not currently speak Dutch. I did minor in German in college and see a lot of similarities once I figured out how things are pronounced. Would try to negotiate language training as part of an employment package.

I have some questions that I'm having a hard time finding answers for.
1. I currently have 2 dogs (boxers). The process for moving them I understand, what I haven't been able to figure out is how hard will it be to find a rental that will take 2 dogs? Ideally I'd like to find a terraced/semi-detached house for them. I don't have salary info or an official offer yet, but the average salary for this job in Holland is 80k euros. How realistic is this salary to support myself, my wife, and 2 dogs while my wife is looking for a job? (more on the wife job situation to come)
2. My wife currently works in Ophthalmology, specifically surgery. In the US this does not require specialized training unlike pretty much all other surgery, she's learned everything on the job. We're trying to figure out if she'd be able to work anywhere in this field in Holland. She doesn't speak Dutch currently, but is willing to learn.

Really the housing question is the one giving me the most pause. I don't want to live in Amsterdam proper, I'd rather live in a smaller town as long as I can be relatively near to public transport. Thanks for any information, I'm trying to get as much info together as possible before I go back to work next week and continue the recruitment process.