Newer PC hangs up after doing anything
I built my PC back in June so it’s relatively new. I haven’t had any issues until lately and they seem to have gotten worse. When I start my PC, everything runs fine and acts normal until I get to the desktop. If I don’t open/do anything, the desktop runs fine and I’m able to move my mouse and whatnot. If I open anything, even just the windows 10 search bar, my computer will hang up. Sometimes it will eventually come back after 30 seconds, but recently it hasn’t. Opening apps/chrome and even just opening a website can cause the hangup. I updated my GPU drivers yesterday, but I did notice the problem before I updated. I don’t see anything overheating and I have 16gb of ram which should be enough to not have that cause the issue. I also only have a handful of apps that open on startup. Any suggestions?