Obtaining time power: A Riddle and a Race.
Three time druids have come to this world. Promises of controlling time are whispered around the globe. Before the druids leave, they place the source of their power on Earth. Their clues to the riddle is this.
**One hour. Three days. Two close, one far.
The first greets a new day on Wednesday.
The second dances all day with her on Tuesday.
The third wishes her goodnight on Monday.
Two share an ocean. One is alone in theirs.
Two separated by a line. One sits in the middle.
Two have moved around.
One adds fourteen.
One sits content with nothing.
One takes twelve away.
One knows a holy holiday.
One knows a great empire.
One knows a dozen plus one.**
To unlock each of the hourglasses and unlock your Temporal Gift, answer these three questions correctly.
*What are the names of the specific islands which the hourglasses sit upon?
Which great two lines interact with time on Earth the most?
When at what times will all three hourglasses see different days within one hour?*
Good luck.
Three time druids have come to this world. Promises of controlling time are whispered around the globe. Before the druids leave, they place the source of their power on Earth. Their clues to the riddle is this.
**One hour. Three days. Two close, one far.
The first greets a new day on Wednesday.
The second dances all day with her on Tuesday.
The third wishes her goodnight on Monday.
Two share an ocean. One is alone in theirs.
Two separated by a line. One sits in the middle.
Two have moved around.
One adds fourteen.
One sits content with nothing.
One takes twelve away.
One knows a holy holiday.
One knows a great empire.
One knows a dozen plus one.**
To unlock each of the hourglasses and unlock your Temporal Gift, answer these three questions correctly.
*What are the names of the specific islands which the hourglasses sit upon?
Which great two lines interact with time on Earth the most?
When at what times will all three hourglasses see different days within one hour?*
Good luck.