quick rant

I’ve been working at starbucks for almost two months now and sometimes they put me on bar to cover for someone’s break or for some practice after peak (usually cold bar.) I’m all for accepting help from other baristas with pulling my stickers especially when it starts to get busier again, however I am starting to get annoyed because I’m trying to get better at my speed and sequencing while still prioritizing the quality of the drink, however i’ll be on bar for 10 minutes before another barista will step in and sometimes they ask if I want help with my drinks and I always say yes but a lot of times they just start helping me. Again I don’t mind the help, but I get annoyed when they make the entire area a complete mess and don’t put anything away or clean up which results in the bar being overcrowded and i have to move stuff out of the way, and they don’t go over to the other side of the bar and will use my side which just slows me down because they’ll use my sides blender and then be in my way when i’m trying to grab item, pump stuff into a blender or shaker, and just prevent me from being able to finish my drink. Also a lot of times they end up pulling too many stickers without telling me and will start a drink but than not finish it and just leave it there and walk away and then I find out later that it hasn’t been finished or started and it just throws off my sequencing, sets me back, and a lot of times i end up getting reprimanded for not paying attention and pulling too many stickers by my sm or ssv when i didn’t even pull the sticker. I then have times where they offer to pull a sticker and make the drink wrong and then it gets all thrown back onto me for a customer having to wait longer and then i get overwhelmed because now it sets me back a little and usually at that point i get stationed to dto/dtr because im behind on drinks now. I’m all for accepting help and grateful, but i feel like a lot of times when my partners try to help me they just end up overwhelming me more and get in my way on bar, and i can’t really grow or learn to get better at sequencing and speed of the drinks when they’re doing it all for me.