How do yall think the votes will go

So, the vote ended in a tie to be resolved the next day, 50-50. The bathroom fight led tò 48-47 in favour of X. Then the special game and revolt happened. We know 16 people died in the special game but not their votes. And we know 9 people died in the revolt, all of thèm X voters. That + 001 not being a thing anymore, meaning the x voters lost at minimum 10 voters, therefore:


Of the 16 people that died in the special game, We can likely assume it was more X voters than O voters due to the O voters numerical advantage due to Gihun and others sitting out the fight. That means the actual results are probably a lot bigger of a gap

If we assume that like, 10 X voters and 6 O voters died in the special game



A margin of about 13 votes. Of course the special game outcome could have been better for the Xs than this estimation or it could have been even worse

But its very likely the X voters are heavily outnunbered, so i think the vote the next day will result in everyone staying in the game.

I also think its likely that for every following vote, O still wins.

However, i do think that if X did win, it would happen either:

The day after the revolt, a large number of O voters defect and the result is in favour of X by 1 vote like in season 1.

Or after one of the games, the O voters finally realize this "one more game" shtick will get them all killed and decide to leave