No maximum age for abortion?

I'm reading up on abortion laws in South Africa and can't find a maximum gestational age of the fetus for which abortion is still allowed. All I can find is the conditions under which it can be carried out if the fetus is older than 20 weeks. But what if it is 41 weeks? From the government gazette:

Circumstances in which and conditions under which pregnancy may be

 2. (1) A pregnancy may be terminated-

 (a) upon request of a woman during the first 12 weeks of the gestation
     period of her pregnancy;

 (b) from the 13th up to and including the 20th week of the gestation period
     if a medical practitioner, after consultation with the pregnant woman,
     is of the opinion that-

     (i) the continued pregnancy would pose a risk of injury to the woman's
         physical or mental health; or

    (ii) there exists a substantial risk that the fetus would suffer from a
         severe physical or mental abnormality; or

   (iii) the pregnancy resulted from rape or incest; or

    (iv) the continued pregnancy would significantly affect the social or
         economic circumstances of the woman; or

 (c) after the 20th week of the gestation period if a medical practitioner,
     after consultation with another medical practitioner or a registered
     midwife, is of the opinion that the continued pregnancy-

     (i) would endanger the woman's life;

    (ii) would result in a severe malformation of the fetus; or

   (iii) would pose a risk of injury to the fetus.

Wikipedia basically just copies what the government gazette says. So what I'm wondering is what is meant by "severe malformation"? Is down syndrome a severe malformation? Can a fetus with down syndrome be aborted even if it's for example 40 weeks old? I can't think that this is the case, but I can't find any clear info on this.