For those of you considering 34”
Switched from VR to this G5 and I have expected way worse field of view. Sure, this is not exactly a 1/1 calculated FOV, but pretty realistic and you can see a lot, you are able to look at apexes pretty much any corner. I was sceptical, because I’ve read the difference is very minor compared to 16:9, but I have to disagree, this is much better than my previous 32”.
Switched from VR to this G5 and I have expected way worse field of view. Sure, this is not exactly a 1/1 calculated FOV, but pretty realistic and you can see a lot, you are able to look at apexes pretty much any corner. I was sceptical, because I’ve read the difference is very minor compared to 16:9, but I have to disagree, this is much better than my previous 32”.