I Think I Missed Out
I really enjoyed playing Signalis. It was a very fun game and a great introduction for me to the survival horror genre, but I didn't get the experience about which everyone else is talking.
So many people say that this game changed their life or gave them all of these existential feelings that they had to process for a few days, but that didn't happen to me. I finished the game not really understanding how everything connected. Sure, I read all the notes and hit all the story beats, but it kind of felt like I was just being strung along from beat to beat without a clear connection.
Yes, I know that this is the kind of game that requires you to put the story together yourself. No, I don't have a problem with that. But where's the crushing sadness that was so clear to everyone else? Was it because I didn't read The King in Yellow before playing? Am I just that callous and disconnected from the stories I consume that I don't feel the right emotions? Does it have something to do with the fact that I'm not gay? I feel like I missed out on the best part of the experience because of this.
I don't expect you all to have an answer to this, but I just wanted to get this out there. Maybe I missed something.
Edit: I fully understand the story now, and I may have painted an inaccurate picture of my first impressions for fear of coming across as uninformed. Signalis was much better than I thought it was going to be; I just had to digest it and do some reading to fully tie things together. I am a big fan of piecing stories together (one of the reasons I like Hollow Knight) and this story was no different. Sehr gut!