People seem to get upset when a rich celebrity says they won´t leave money to their kids, yet at the same time they complain about nepo and trust fund babies.

Whenever a rich celebrity says they won´t leave money to their kids, people in the comments seem to get weirdly upset which is amusing to me. I think Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis said something similar, and more recently we have the Gene Hackman situation as apparently the kids are not in the will.

a) These kids likely already get a lot of advantages from being the offspring of someone rich and famous even without the inheritance.

b) Even if the kids are not written in the will, it doesn´t mean they didn´t receive any money over the years.

I don´t get how people get upset over total strangers who likely had a privileged life, yet as the same time they hate on nepo babies. Ideally, inheritance should not be a thing at all. Sorry, I don´t have any sympathy for these people.