I want to give up

Maybe I'll delete this later, but I seriously can't deal with this anymore. I have been crying for hours because I've been trying to get a job for FOUR years, looked into a hiring agency as the last option recently. I just got rejected from them this morning because they want to have at least 6 years work experience.
My warehouse job fucking disabled me and I can't do hard labor work anymore, so I've been applying to every job that isn't a warehouse job for years now. I either get rejected or ghosted and I can't understand why. Even jobs by like a gas station worker, dishwasher, or even at a shitty hotel. I reviewed my resume several times, went broke getting attire for interviews and equipment for remote work just to get rejected.
I really need to move out due to my condition being unsupported in this environment, but holy shit, how am I suppose to get experience when I can't even get the lowest of low jobs, I'm so suicidal for years over this. I keep telling myself I'll end it soon because there is no hope at all!