How to mentally break free from Nparents?

My parents are both N's. I've pretty much cut them off from my life due to what they've done to me (mostly my dad though), and I can say I've never been happier, because now I never have to talk to people who always push me down if I don't want to!

Problem is: I keep thinking back to them and thinking "they're probably suffering right now...haha!", or "well, they SHOULD have listened to me back then! Now they're going through what they deserve!", stuff like that. Also, a part of me wishes things were different, because "well, it's normal to feel an inherent attachment to parents!". How do you break free of that?

They live in the same city as me and I see them a couple times a year; I don't miss out on super-fun family parties and stuff just because they'll be there as well. I just don't want to feel still mentally attached to them in any way.