Resentment towards an innocent

Over the past 3 years I have had a lot of unexpected expenses (emergency home repairs and vehicle repairs) and I have been working really hard to pay down the debt - being fiscally responsible and selling stuff on ebay to make extra payments. I already know my AC will need replaced when summer comes. Now my dog has developed a growth in her mouth and it had to be removed for quality of life reasons. It cost ~$1,400. She's around 12 or 13 years old and she's an amazing dog - the best temperament and personality. She's given us the best years of her life and she deserves to be cared for and loved in her old age. I feel awful because I find myself resenting her. I look at her and all I see is how much longer it will take to get back to where we were financially - like all the work I've done was pointless. All I can think is she might live another 5 or 6 years (aside from the benign growth she is very healthy - good joints and teeth, etc...) and how many similar surgeries she might need, and I kind of hate her. I feel like a bad person for thinking it and feeling the way I do. She really is a good dog.

It's like money took a part of my life that used to bring me so much joy and comfort when I felt overwhelmed (emotionally and financially) and twisted it into something painful and overwhelming.

Edit: Thank you for all the kind responses. And also for the harsh ones too. In a way they all served a purpose. I feel guilty for resenting her and the harsh comments made me wallow in that feeling bc I felt like I deserved it. I don't really hate her, but it's a very complicated and unexpected series of feelings for me.

Edit 2: I should also add- I've had to pay large vet bills for her in the past and it never made me feel this way. So people saying 'Don't have pets/kids if you can't take care of them. It's not always sunshine and rainbows etc...' - slow your roll. It's not like I've only had her for a week and didn't realize it would be hard.