Songs with climax
Hello! I know the title is odd. I just don’t know how to phrase this. I’m looking for songs that have a really strong climax. The idea in my head is songs like Sofia by Clairo and I Follow You by Melody’s Echo Chamber. There’s a point in these songs where it’s just like a guitar shred, and it’s really “out of context” for what the song was like prior to it, but I just love it so much. If anyone has any recommendations, please let me know!
Hello! I know the title is odd. I just don’t know how to phrase this. I’m looking for songs that have a really strong climax. The idea in my head is songs like Sofia by Clairo and I Follow You by Melody’s Echo Chamber. There’s a point in these songs where it’s just like a guitar shred, and it’s really “out of context” for what the song was like prior to it, but I just love it so much. If anyone has any recommendations, please let me know!