Favorite N. Valley Hiking Trails for Wildlife Spotting?

What are your favorite trails to hike with frequent spotting of wildlife (particularly birds) in the upper valley? I'm based near N. Scottsdale.

I'm a hobbyist wildlife photographer and have spent a lot of time at Gateway Trailhead exploring the trails, but I often find them a little sparse on wildlife. Might be the fact the trail can be crowded and hikers noisy, so most wildlife steers pretty far off-trail and out of clearance of my lens.

I do pop by the Botanical Gardens and zoo from time to time, but I like to have free areas in mind as well for days when I just want to wander out and snap a few shots. I also travel to the Riparian Preserve in Gilbert once or twice a month, but it is quite the drive.

Appreciate any location tips you might have!