Snoo help
So, my 8 week old has consistently slept in 3 hour increments at night since we brought her home. Honestly, it's not terrible and I'm not complaining because I know it could be way worse. But, I do still crave a good 6 hour stretch so I bought a second hand Snoo. Our first night was last night and she says that thing sucks ass. She went down easily and the baseline rock didn't wake her up but again, 3 hours and she was awake. Which is ok, it's new. Whatever. I'd like to use it in weaning mode though. She's never had a consistent rock and I'm fearful that that will create a dependency that we've never had. Weaning mode seems to only kick in if she's full on crying though. Is this how it's supposed to work? By the time she's full on crying, I'm very awake and there's no rocking her back to sleep. If anyone has advice, I'd take it! I'm also searching other threads but thought I'd ask too. Thanks!
Edit to add more context about our experience She slept great for 3 hours, woke up and I of course fed her. Put her back down as usual, and from 1-4am, she woke up every 15-20 min. I understand that my baby will still be hungry and I'm ok with feeding her whenever she's hungry lol I just thought the idea was that she'd become restless, it would try to soothe but if that didn't work, I'd step in. But it seems like it waits until she's screaming to hit level 4 and she's just angry at that