Colic is so fucked
Update: I'm trying not to get my hopes up.... we switched her to Nutrimigen only yesterday around 6pm. Even though I cut out dairy, I didn't nurse her last night or this morning. She is a completely different baby today. Last night even. She's only cried as she's woken up so far bc she was hungry. Hasn't cried since. Not through diaper changes, not hanging out..... she's just been chillin. I have to go to the dentist so I'm eager to hear how her time with my husband goes. But right now.... in this moment I feel relief for the first time in 6 .5 weeks
My 6 week old has been screaming absolute bloody murder for like 4 days. Yesterday was the worst. I brought her to the ER twice in those 4 days. They said "🤷♀️..... reflux and GI stuff is tougher for some babies. She'll grow out of it in 1-2 months." On my drive home at 1am I considered sneaking my baby into the house and going to a hotel for sleep and silence with no definitive return date. But I came home and stayed. It's frustrating bc saying there's no reason is bullshit. I can tell it's GI related bc I cam feel her belly rumble when she starts screaming or she'll scream and then poop or fart. It's fucked that we're left to figure this out ourselves on top of screaming 100% of her awake time. They're the doctors. That's why thry make the big bucks. To try harder than me bc I only have so much in me at this point. This morning, she didn't cry after she ate. She was awake for probably 30 min without crying. She sleeping, won't let me put her down but she's not screaming. Which I would take over the screaming any day. Why the fuck is this so hard for us after 8 years of trying to have her and the loss of our son. I dont get it. My expectations are still very low. I'm prepared for it to start again but I'm enjoying this moment of pure silence. Except for Colter Wall playing on Spotify.