Hear me out: My Hero Academia

I recently started watching MHA with my boyfriend. Obviously anyone can tell by the third episode, the girls and women are super objectfied. So there is this one hero who can increase her size. There was a particular scene that highlighted this hero's breasts especially and my BF said something that triggered me so bad. He said he wonders if this particular hero can also only grow certain parts of her body separately instead of just getting bigger over all. Like what if she could make just her boobs bigger. That it would be a really epic skill. I cringed so hard inwardly. For me watching this anime is really hard because I feel it's horrifying how it objectifies women and teenage girls, no less, which is very icky. But, having my bf make a comment like that made it even worse for me. Obviously insecurities were so very triggered but despite that I feel like commenting on something like that is in poor taste. Tell me I'm overthinking and it isn't that deep? I'm asking because I know bringing it up will hurt him and probably result in us not watching the show anymore. I don't particularly like the way they portray women but the story is really good. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I don't want to make him feel estranged from the things he loves because of my opinions but his comment made me feel really bad. Any advice?