Pathological Indecisiveness
I've never been really indecisive, I've picked my major because I've missed the deadline for applications to another one (Wanted CS, picked Physics), the city where I moved for Uni because it had a nice Website etc... I'm of the opinion that most choices don't really matter that much, it's what you make of them and there's always ways to test and correct decisions.
This changed dramatically after I got into a major depressive episode last year: I had to be hospitalised for a few months and got out last December. From then on I'm panicking at every decision, especially about my future. Buying the wrong things, moving to the wrong places, choosing a new city to move to, a new major to transfer to, deciding on what to do with the next 30 minutes...
I'm in constant fear that I decide one thing, it turns out bad and I will die (As in not wanting to live) because that's exactly what happened in the past. The feeling is so overwhelming I don't know how to handle it, I can't rationalize my way out of it, I just freeze thinking about any future.
Are there any forms of therapy that can ameliorate Indecisiveness? I'm not talking about pro/con lists, throwing a coin, visualizing etc. that might help a CEO, I'm talking about the emotional aspect of decisions.