Been watching other people's playthroughs after finishing my first and it's actually insane how much it puts in perspective about how hella cursed a playthrough can be.
You telling me if I didn't do a quest way back in ME1 Conrad dies in ME3??
If I didn't pass that speech check with Wrex, Ashley would've shot and killed him??
People can still die in the final ME2 mission mission if they're all loyal???
I would've seen TALI get disintegrated if my War Assets weren't high enough at the end of ME3???
Jack is turned into a Phantom if I don't do Grissom Academy in time???
Wtf do you mean Miranda dies if I just so happen to not read an email before talking to her on the Citadel???
Why did I have to tick like 5 different boxes to save the Geth and Quarians?
Eve dying if I dont save Maelon's data? Jfc
I knew the game could diverge hard depending on my choices but I didn't quite realize how far off the deep end it could go. I feel like if even one of these happened in my playthrough I would've just let the Reapers win because clearly this cycle is cursed.